CentOS7 virtualBox install guest additions 2019-12-12 01:08

In order to use share folder you have to install guest additions in VirtualBox. In this page I will show you how to install it. Click devices -> Install Guest Additions... and wait a minute. Open terminal in CentOS7. Before installing it you need make sure your environment is OK.

yum install update
yum install kernel-headers
yum install kernel-devel
yum install gcc* 
yum install make

After installing above packages you can mount iso file and execute install command.

mkdir /mnt/cdrom
mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom
cd /mnt/cdrom

This will take few minutes. After installation you can config share folder between host and virtualBox.

Config shared folder

Click devices -> Shared Folders.. and config share folder path and share folder name.

Use following command to mount shared folders in virtual system.

mkdir /mnt/vboxshare
mount -t vboxsf <your_share_folder_name> /mnt/vboxshare/
# use following command to unmount
umount -f /mnt/vboxshare