Linux tar command examples 2016-03-15 06:31

tar is one of the most common commands in Linux. We usually use it to package files. You can also compress files to save disk space during packaging. I will show you how to use it in this tutorial. Maybe you can't remember all parameters at one time. The more you practice the more skillful you will become.

-c: create a new archive
-x:extract files from an archive
-t:list the contents of an archive
-r:append files to the end of an archive(why r mean append?)
-u:only append files newer than copy in archive(update)

You can use only one of these 5 parameters in a command. You can't create a new archive meanwhile extract files from it. They are mutually exclusive. But you can append other parameters when you want compress or extract files.

-z:filter the archive through gzip(use gzip compress the archive)
-j:filter the archive through bzip2(use bzip2 compress the archive)
-Z:filter the archive through compress(use compress compress the archive)
-v:verbosely list files processed
-f: use archive file or device ARCHIVE(must put it in the last of parameters)

Sample Examples

  1. Put all jpg file in all.tar. -c means create new file(all.tar), use -f specifying a file name.

    tar -cf all.tar *.jpg
  2. Append all gif file in all.tar. -r means append

    tar -rf all.tar *.gif
  3. Update old logo.gif in all.tar with new logo.gif file

    tar -uf all.tar logo.gif
  4. Show all files in all.tar

    tar -tf all.tar
  5. Extract all files in all.tar

    tar -xf all.tar

Compress Examples

  1. Put all jpg file in jpg.tar and show the process

    tar -cvf jpg.tar *.jpg
  2. Package all jpg file in jpg.tar.gz and compress it with gzip

    tar -czf jpg.tar.gz *.jpg
  3. Package all jpg file in jpg.tar.bz2 and compress it with bzip2

    tar -cjf jpg.tar.bz2 *.jpg
  4. Package all jpg file in jpg.tar.Z and compress it with compress

    tar -cZf jpg.tar.Z *.jpg

Extract Examples

  1. Extract file.tar and show the process

    tar -xvf file.tar
  2. Extract file.tar.gz and show the process

    tar -xzvf file.tar.gz
  3. Extract file.tar.bz2 and show the process

    tar -xjvf file.tar.bz2
  4. Extract file.tar.Z and show the process

    tar -xZvf file.tar.Z

Happy learning.