Java blockingqueue producer consumer example 2016-12-06 03:40

In this page I will show you how to use BlockingQueue. Producer put products into BlockingQueue and consumer consumes the products one by one. The products in BlockingQueue will be consumed on a FIFO (first-in-first-out) basis. Sample code is like following.


Producer produce product (string) and put it into BlockingQueue. If there is no room in queue producer thread will be blocked.

public class Producer implements Runnable {

    protected BlockingQueue<String> blockingQueue;

    public Producer(BlockingQueue<String> queue) {
        this.blockingQueue = queue;

    public void run() {
        while (true) {
            try {
                String data = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
                System.out.println("put in :" + data + ", total:" + blockingQueue.size());
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {


Consumer gets the product from BlockingQueue and consumes it. The method blockingQueue.take() will get the product and remove it from queue. If there is no product in queue consumer thread will be blocked to waiting for product to consume.

public class Consumer implements Runnable {

    protected BlockingQueue<String> blockingQueue;

    public Consumer(BlockingQueue<String> queue) {
        this.blockingQueue = queue;

    public void run() {
        while (true) {
            try {
                if (blockingQueue.size() >= 7) {
                } else {
                System.out.println("consume:" + blockingQueue.take() + ", total:" + blockingQueue.size());
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {


public class Client {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        final BlockingQueue<String> linkedBlockingQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>(15);

        Producer queueProducer = new Producer(linkedBlockingQueue);
        new Thread(queueProducer).start();

        Consumer queueProducer2 = new Consumer(linkedBlockingQueue);
        new Thread(queueProducer2).start();

        Consumer queueConsumer = new Consumer(linkedBlockingQueue);
        new Thread(queueConsumer).start();

The output is like following.

put in :d41db91e-e779-4550-9b68-d42cfa277fa0, total:1
put in :fbed891e-e55b-43df-8830-ae750312413a, total:2
put in :9d1ca1de-13d5-4d62-b462-5ae7f010d807, total:3
put in :152ad972-e7aa-42d0-881b-6cf29d96b6ef, total:4
put in :08da8f3d-7d37-4dad-a2fa-0f3cb7761415, total:5
consume:d41db91e-e779-4550-9b68-d42cfa277fa0, total:4
consume:fbed891e-e55b-43df-8830-ae750312413a, total:3
put in :4e386c26-3af6-4db2-b3df-cd1d22d547fd, total:4
put in :48375055-e9f8-4ca5-b7cd-0d6f9c4420b2, total:5
put in :6a8d2168-d34f-4cb9-a9d6-599106dee1af, total:6
put in :cd0c7b82-e62b-4a66-9f68-6428b690642f, total:7
put in :2c261363-fbe9-45c6-a01b-d00dffb10028, total:8
consume:9d1ca1de-13d5-4d62-b462-5ae7f010d807, total:7
consume:152ad972-e7aa-42d0-881b-6cf29d96b6ef, total:6
consume:08da8f3d-7d37-4dad-a2fa-0f3cb7761415, total:5
put in :044ecfe0-d1ee-4758-85a8-7ae2cb5aa0a2, total:6
put in :55b475b2-81eb-4150-93bf-a33b859a4127, total:7
put in :ff02331b-1fcd-46bb-95e0-bf826863460e, total:8
put in :b8d1ce91-bb2f-4cb9-8918-2e25a4683efa, total:9
put in :9100aec1-2f94-492a-987b-a2fd390f1a6f, total:10
consume:4e386c26-3af6-4db2-b3df-cd1d22d547fd, total:9
consume:48375055-e9f8-4ca5-b7cd-0d6f9c4420b2, total:8
consume:6a8d2168-d34f-4cb9-a9d6-599106dee1af, total:7
put in :05c76248-f713-4d40-beeb-7b793b375d28, total:8
consume:cd0c7b82-e62b-4a66-9f68-6428b690642f, total:7
consume:2c261363-fbe9-45c6-a01b-d00dffb10028, total:6
consume:044ecfe0-d1ee-4758-85a8-7ae2cb5aa0a2, total:5
put in :01c0ea16-7974-4b7f-b9e8-591166201cf4, total:6
put in :2b139a14-4f8a-4e80-978f-03f1ef3d894e, total:7
put in :77970e71-30ca-4480-bd20-0afa872bab0c, total:8
put in :9e7a619b-c22c-45df-94e1-5ec1dca8100a, total:9
put in :3c3ff1d0-ee96-4725-b4ab-65fa78d6ce5f, total:10