Nginx basic http authentication 2019-10-01 04:48

I want to add basic http authentication in my personal wiki. I don't want to write any code to implement this function. After searching on the Internet, I found Nginx can do this by adding configuration. basic http authentication is very simple and unsafe. It adds user name and password information in http header which encoded by base64.

Install httpd-tools and generate password

yum install httpd-tools

htpasswd -c <password path> <user name>

config nginx

add following configuration in your nginx.

server {
	listen 80;
    location  / {
		auth_basic        "input you user name and password";
		auth_basic_user_file   <password path>;

enbale nginx configuration

nginx -s reload

You have added basic http authentication so far. It needs to input user name and password when anyone want visit your website