Java factory method example 2016-12-15 03:28

Factory method pattern is used to create different "product" when you overridden the create method in subclass. Your business logic code is handle the "product" which created by overridden method. The diagram of it is like following.

Factory method

1. Factory

public abstract class Factory {
    public String showProductName() {
        // start your business logic code
        Product product = createProduct();
        return product.getProductName();

    abstract Product createProduct();// override this method to create different product in subclass
public class ConcreteFactoryA extends Factory {
    public Product createProduct() {
        return new ProductA();
public class ConcreteFactoryB extends Factory {
    public Product createProduct() {
        return new ProductB();

2. Product

public interface Product {
    String getProductName();
public class ProductA implements Product {
    public String getProductName() {
        return "this is productA";
public class ProductB implements Product {
    public String getProductName() {
        return "this is productB";

3. Client

public class Client {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Factory factory = new ConcreteFactoryA();
        //Factory factory = new ConcreteFactoryB();

The key of factory method pattern is overriding the method which create "product". Subclass don't care about the business logic, it's only responsible for creating different products. If you need another products just extend the Factory class and override the createProduct() method.